Katia De Miguel

Marketing, Publicidad, Internet


Responsive Web Design

Publicado por Katia De Miguel |


2013 is going to be the year of the Responsive web design, due to all the new screen resolutions that we can fin in the market. These days you can find thousand of different screen sizes and our website has adapt to all them.
If you know a bit of html, creating a Responsive web design won´t be to complicated at all, below I will leave some sources to help you with the process.

1.- Responsive Web Design Book

An easy to read book, to star getting into the whole idea, if you an expert on this field,  you might find it a bit basic.

2.- CSS Grid

Is website where you can get a code of a responsive website and adapted to your needs, its ideal for start playing around with the concept.

3.- This Is Responsive

Website where you can find a list of sources patters and so on to improve you code.

Other sources:


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